
Batting and Fielding for Accrington in 1950

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NameMatchesInnsNot OutRunsHSAve10050CtSt
DR Cristofani2622263595  31.75 0310 
L Carter2221260880  32.00 024 
JL Dewhurst1918228277  17.62 014 
JN Hope2220318428  10.82 00172
T Cunliffe1817216730  11.13 004 
A Lund1918314943*9.93 001 
P Fox1211212738  14.11 003 
R Stirling1613412229  13.55 002 
F Rushton1817110924  6.81 002 
JB Tomlinson221729619*6.40 002 
D Whipp101017533*8.33 002 
D Beaghan5527333*24.33 000 
R Frankland7617129  14.20 002 
J Clitheroe4413424  11.33 000 
D Waterworth5311410*7.00 001 
T Thurman330109  3.33 000 
K Robinson22164*6.00 000 
J Horabin33044  1.33 001 
B Osbaldeston83132  1.50 000 
E Kenyon95022  0.40 000 
DJ Day11122* 000 
K Ryder11122* 001 
J Collier22111*1.00 000 

The Club

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