Accrington Cricket Club

Accrington Cricket Club AGM 2006-7

Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on the 29/1/2007


COMMITTEE PRESENT : Alven Burrows, Rod Kenyon, Keith Hindley, Jim Kelly, Phil Hodson, David Barratt.

APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE : Peter and Iris Barratt, Nigel Stockley. Ronnie and Linda Schofield, Michael Duggan, Paul and Richard Burrows.

Mr. Burrows welcomed members present to the meeting and asked for a minutes silence for deceased members Lindon Dewhurst and John Tomlinson.

MINUTES OF LAST MEETING / MATTERS ARISING : Copies of the minutes were available throughout the room, there were no matters arising.

BALANCE SHEETS / ACCOUNTS: The accounts were presented by David Marriott the new club accountant, copies of the accounts were available on the night. These showed that the cricket and tennis club had made a loss of £5833 over the year. The social club had made a profit of £764. David stated that the club remained solvent but losses like these could not be sustained. David suggested that the club look to hold the AGM before the end of the calendar year in order that any problems could be flagged up sooner and action taken.

REPORTS – PRESIDENT’S REPORT & CHAIRMAN’S REPORT: Copies of both reports were available on the night, both were read out and they gave an overview of the year with reference to the management section.

TENNIS REPORT: Jim Kelly reported that the tennis teams had an excellent year with success in the Burnley Evening League and mid-table positions in the Slazenger League. The court usage has been good and junior rugby training is also now taking place on the courts. The tree maintenance around the courts had been done in house, some outstanding items will be sorted when the community service work people return as promised. The financial position is o.k. at the moment, the problems will occur when the courts need resurfacing.

CRICKET REPORT: Rod Kenyon reported that the 1stXI had their best season for a while and could have finished higher in the league if a few things had gone their way. The professional has re-signed for the coming season. Some of the younger players have started to come through and with new signings the competition for places will be increased. There has been a good turnout at the nets so far this year. Rod was asked about the professional sub pro’ing for other lubs and not being fit to play for us. Rod replied that the cricket committee would curb that this year and that if such an incidence occurred the professional would have to pay for a sub pro. Brian Prickett pointed out that the work permit is only in the name of Accrington C.C., so as a legal point is the professional able to play for other clubs? Keith Hindley will check this with the Lancashire League. Brian also asked what it may have cost to repair the ground if football had been played on it over the winter. Rod replied that he didn’t think it would have caused much damage, Brian stated that he knew of a cricket team who had been kicked out of a league for a poor pitch. Brian also asked for verification that rugby would not be coming back – the reply stated that the junior section had not left but the senior section would not be returning.

SOCIAL REPORT: Ian Birtwistle reported that the social figures had included nine months of the benfit of the club refurbishment. There have been more functions held than for a long time and this had helped to increase bar takings. Ian thanked Kim and all event organisers and supporters. Ian replied to several questions on expenses, and pointed out that the Sky TV is on a special deal from the E.C.B.

DEVELOPMENT & MAINTENANCE: Gerry Thomas gave a detailed presentation on Clubmark and it’s benefits.

ELECTION OF OFFICERS: The trustees – Peter Westwell, Peter West and Arno Stark, the solicitors – Ramsbottom & Co. and the auditor David Marriott were proposed en bloc by Marion Ormerod, seconded by Phil Hodson and duly passed by the meeting. The vice presidents were proposed en bloc by Roland Finney, seconded by Keith Hindley and passed by the meeting.

The President, Peter Barratt, had made it known that he was prepared to stand for re-election. He was proposed by Alven Burrows, seconded by Brian Prickett and elected by the meeting.

The Secretary, David Barratt was proposed by Phil Hodson, seconded by Steve Juliff and elected by the meeting.

The position of Treasurer is vacant, Peter Barratt is acting treasurer at the moment.

The Management Committee were proposed en bloc by Bert Ormerod, seconded by Andy Eland and elected by the meeting,

SUBSCRIPTIONS: Both the cricket and tennis committees had proposed a freeze on subscription costs, and therefore this was proposed by the management committee, whilst mindful of the fact that the club had made a loss. This was seconded by Bert Ormerod and passed by the meeting.

ANY OTHER BUSINESS: Linda Finney asked why we do not advertise events in the local press, Alven replied that we have not found it cost effective. Roland Finney advised that the Observer has a news section which we may be able to use. The meeting decided to take David Marriott’s advice and move next year’s AGM forward to 19/11/07. Steve Juliff asked about the smoking policy in the clubroom with reference to possible damage to the new decorations etc. Ian Birtwistle advised that the smoking policy will be reviewed shortly when the smoking ban becomes law. David Hargreaves asked why he had not received a reply to a letter sent from Greyhound juniors. The secretary advised that the reply had been sent to their secretary as instructed by the management committee. David Hargreaves said that Alven had told him a reply had been sent to him. The secretary said that this was a break in communications, Alven advised that this matter would be discussed at the next management committee meeting.

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9:35p.m.

The Club